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Playfulness: The Key to Thriving in Challenging Times?

As the founder of the Playfulness Institute, I am thrilled to introduce my new model for playfulness as a means of flourishing in individuals, teams, and organisations. This model, which is gaining early-stage validity, was born out of my experience as a behavioural scientist, coach, and therapist. I wanted to create a framework that could not only assess playfulness but also identify attributes that could be trained and enhanced.

In our increasingly complex, disruptive, and uncertain world, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and stressed. However, research suggests that playfulness may be the key to not only navigating such disruption but also thriving in the face of adversity.

This model characterises playfulness by three interconnected drivers: creativity, curiosity, and connection. By cultivating these qualities, individuals can develop a mindset that is more adaptable, flexible, and resilient in the face of stress and adversity.

Creativity is a key component of playfulness, allowing individuals to approach challenges with a fresh perspective and generate innovative solutions. Curiosity drives individuals to seek out new experiences, knowledge, and understanding, fostering continuous learning and growth. Connection, the third driver in our model, emphasises the importance of social bonding and collaboration in building resilience and shared purpose.

My research also explores the relationship between playfulness and resilience, stress, and post-traumatic growth. I have found that individuals with higher levels of playfulness tend to be more resilient in the face of adversity, experiencing lower levels of perceived stress and employing more adaptive coping strategies.

So, how can individuals, teams, and organisations cultivate playfulness in their daily lives? Like a muscle, playfulness strengthens the more we train it and atrophies the more we neglect it. By consciously incorporating playfulness into our daily routines and interactions, we can develop a more adaptable, curious, and connected mindset that will serve us well in even the most challenging of times.

At the Playfulness Institute, we are committed to helping individuals, teams, and organisations unlock their full potential through the power of playfulness.

This new model provides a simple roadmap for cultivating the creativity, curiosity, and connection needed to thrive in a complex and uncertain world.

Here is a link to the white paper on the Three Pillars Playfulness Model

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